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“Trains are living, breathing creatures..” Hunslet Engine Company celebrates 150 years

By Caroline Grandjean

The Hunslet Engine Company celebrated his 150 birthday with a gala at the weekend.

The world famous producer of locomotives, the 3890 NCB No. 66 has arrived back in Leeds along with other historic engines. See the reaction here.

The two day event involved an impressive display of trains in Middleton Railway.

Ian Smith Vice president of Middleton Railway Trust said: “We are very pleased and proud to have the engine all the way from Scotland.

“The steam train worked all his life in Scotland and never left the region since it was built in 1854.”

Preserving a glorious past was the purpose of the specialist event.

John Linkins, event coordinator of Middleton Railway Trust said: “Steam trains have made Britain a powerful country, they’ve changed people’s lives.

“Trains are very much living and breathing creatures. Some people would say they’ve got a personality. When they were scrapped, it caused a lot of sadness”

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