After what was a dark day for Britain and the capital in particular, unbowed and determined, the people of London have begun to go about their lives after yesterday’s fatal terrorist attack on Westminster.
Yorkshire Voice’s @AlexMiller91 will be here throughout the day presenting the latest news and views after the attack.
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– Four people have died, including a policeman and the attacker.
– Policeman known to be 48-year-old PC Keith Palmer. He was a husband and father.
– Another victim named as Aysha Frade, 43, who worked as a teacher in London.
– A third victim has been identified as Kurt Cochran, an 53 year old American tourist and keen musician.
– Police have confirmed they believe they know the identity of the attacker.
– Police have made eight arrests after searching six houses across the country.
– 29 other people have been treated in hospital, even of whom remain in a critical condition.
– Investigators believe the attacker was a British national, and that he was investigated ‘many years ago’ by MI5.
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