By Liam Smedley
Researchers have said the devices could save thousands of lives and are critical of the World Health Organisation’s claim that e-cigarettes can lead young people to take up smoking later in life.
The health experts, from University College London, have suggested that

around 6,000 premature deaths could be prevented for every 1 million smokers should they made the switch to e-cigarettes.
Researchers from the University also refuted the claim made by the WHO that e-cigarettes could re-normalise smoking for young people.
The figure citied that suggest the number of smokers aged 16-25 has remained at around 30%, even when the use of e-cigarettes has increased across the UK.
Area manager of Smokers D’lite, Julian Vaughan, feels that the WHO should re-think the amount of damage e-cigarettes can have on people.
He then added that he thought the claim that the devices can act as a gateway to regular tobacco smoking for young people is laughable.
He said: “If you walk down a street right now then you are probably inhaling much worse stuff from car exhausts and building materials than anything that can be found in an e-cigarette.
“As far as kids go, yes they come into the shop, but we kick them straight back out. So I think that’s a horror story the news has come up with.”
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