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Iconic Leeds building will go dark for Earth Hour

The Leeds Civic Hall will go dark on Saturday for Earth Hour.
The Leeds Civic Hall will go dark on Saturday for Earth Hour.

by Lauren Wafer-Kiddle

A Leeds landmark building is going dark for Earth Hour this weekend.

The lights of the Leeds Civic Hall will go out from 8.30pm on Saturday 29 March in support of a worldwide campaign to tackle environmental issues.

Executive member for the environment, Councillor Mark Dobson said: “Turning the lights out at Civic Hall is just a small demonstration of the things the council does day in, day out to reduce our environmental impact.

“To make change happen we need to show people that their actions do have a positive contribution to make to our environment. We hope that people across Leeds will join in.”

Earth Hour is a one-hour event where people all over the world are urged to turn their lights off. It is a global movement organised by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

For more information on Earth Hour 2014, visit

Leeds Civic Hall will go dark for Earth Hour.
Leeds Civic Hall will go dark for Earth Hour.

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