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Pudsey Pasties proving popular

Pudsey butcher Steve Martin

By Russell Truran

A Pudsey butcher is hoping to defy European red tape and trademark the name ‘Pudsey Pasty’ after selling them for 22 years.

Steve Martin, 54, who owns butcher’s shop Bentley’s of Pudsey, coined the name after no longer being allowed to call them Cornish Pasties.

Bentley’s of Pudsey

Back in 2011, the original Cornish Pasty was given PGI status – Protected Geographical Status – meaning that only pasties made in Cornwall can be called ‘Cornish.’

Steve has been in the industry all his life and is today celebrating his 22nd anniversary as owner of Bentley’s as well as a marked increase in trade. He said: “Today we’ve sold probably twice as many as we normally sell in one day because of the publicity. So hopefully Pudsey Pasties could become quite famous.”

The last remaining Pudsey Pasty today

He remained hopeful about one day having ‘Pudsey Pasties’ registered in the same way as ‘Cornish Pasties’ have been, saying:

“It’s pretty much early days yet. Whether or not we can get the PGI status eventually, I don’t know. We’re just taking things slowly at the moment but the Pudsey Pasties are certainly turning out to be quite popular.”

WATCH: Steve talks about the Pudsey Pasty and EU red tape:

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