By Tia Coyle
A PSYCHOLOGY student sang her way into the minds and hearts of the audience to scoop the Headingley’s Got Talent competition on Thursday night.
Lydia Bolton, 20, who is in her second year at Leeds Beckett University, was up against seven other finalists but wowed the crowd to get the most votes at The Box bar – and won £250.
Lydia, originally from Preston in Lancashire, has played guitar for most of her life, and writes original songs, but for the contest she performed a cover of an Adele song.
She said: “I can’t believe I won. I had some great competition and I think everyone was incredible.
“I enjoyed it more than I thought I would and my confidence has improved massively since entering the competition.
“I didn’t do it for the money but it will definitely help towards my holiday in the spring break.”
Headingley’s Got Talent is an annual event which has been running for about three years.
As well as Headingley’s Got Talent, The Box hosts other similar events like Take Me Out, based on the TV show.
The competition started in November and ran for five weeks every Thursday.
Manager and organiser Ollie Lesley said: “This gives the young people of Leeds the opportunity to show off local talent.
“The crowd was amazing for the final, some real good supporters were there and everyone seemed to have really enjoyed themselves.”
Bar tender Shaun Morris said: “Since the event has been on, Thursdays has been the busiest night of the week.
“Even though I was working, it was still a good shift getting to watch all the talent.”