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IMAGES: Sodden West Yorkshire leaves sun seekers dismayed

Summer is here – or so they say!

Residents of Yorkshire who were looking forward to hot, dry weather this summer have instead been taking to Twitter to show the damp squib that has arrived instead.

Rain has continues falling across the region today and no improvement in the forecast is expected until Thursday at the earliest. So pack away that BBQ set, grab yourself a mug of hot cocoa and entertain yourself by looking at these images of the soaked white rose county.

So if you haven’t noticed its pretty wet outside

It failed to lift anyone’s spirits on Monday morning


It has even claimed minor celebrities in its wake

Sporting events have found themselves affected


Even people who have left Yorkshire have found themselves rained on!

But it hasn’t claimed our collective sense of humour


There have also been chances to make a quick buck

And lots of people asking – where has summer gone!?


Hopefully that sun and tropical temperatures are just around the corner…just don’t hold your breath


Image from: From Sand to Glass/Flickr
Image from: From Sand to Glass/Flickr

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