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Domestic Abuse Increases During Christmas Say Leeds Women’s Aid And WYCA Deputy Mayor Alison Lowe

Christmas is meant to be the most wonderful time of the year, but a new campaign by Leeds Women’s Aid says that for victims of domestic abuse, it is the most frightening.

The domestic abuse charity provide a range of support services including the Leeds Domestic Violence Service 24 hour helpline. For the past two years calls to the helpline dropped over Christmas time and spiked in January by nearly 50%. The charity say that sufferers keep quiet over Christmas, only to seek help in the new year.

“I lived with domestic abuse for ten years. And I didn’t speak out”

Alison Lowe OBE, West Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime

“We know it’s not as simple as just leaving – just walking out the door – especially with children involved,” said Hannah Whyte, Communications Manager for Leeds Women’s Aid, “so we can help you with a safety plan. We can work with you every step of the way.”

Images of Leeds Women’s Aid.

In May, Alison Lowe OBE, was reappointed as West Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime. Together with Mayor Tracy Brabin, she has pledged to put the safety of women and girls at the heart of their policing policy.

“Acknowledge it. Act. Keep yourself safe, keep your children safe, and get out of that situation” Alison Lowe said.

The deputy mayor is a passionate advocate for the victims of domestic violence, being one herself, and she sees the safety of the 1.2 million women and girls of West Yorkshire as her responsibility.

“I lived with domestic abuse for ten years. And I didn’t speak out, I didn’t seek help. So to anyone who is facing domestic abuse over this festive period, I would urge you to seek help,” said Alison, “West Yorkshire police are improving the way they work with victims. They are getting better every day. Give them your trust and I am sure you will have a safer, brighter Christmas, not just this year, but every year.”

If you need help in the Leeds area you can call Leeds Domestic Violence Service 24 hour domestic abuse helpline on 0113 246 0401.

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