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Cookridge Post Office move to go ahead despite 120 complaints

Cookridge Post Office
Cookridge Post Office


by Leah Waller


Plans to move Cookridge Village Post Office are going ahead despite 120  complaints from local residents.

Scores of residents  contacted the branch, voicing their concern over the extended travel and the difficulties it could pose.

Last week Post Office bosses confirmed the move will still go head.

The branch, which is currently based on Kirkwood Drive, is set to move half a mile away to Cookridge Lane this summer.

Mrs Allman, 85, from Cookridge is against the move, she said: “It’s stupid because the new location is on the outskirts of Cookridge and this one is central. Because I’m older I can’t travel as far.”

Mrs Allman, along with other elderly residents who live in central Cookridge are currently able to walk to the Post Office, but will need to commute by bus in order to collect their pensions and stamps when the move goes ahead.

The bus stop now sits across the road from the Post Office, but the new location is 150 meters from the bus route, which some customers worry will cause extra problems.

However, not all residents are unhappy with the move.

The bus stop now sits across the road from the Post Office, but the new location is 150 meters from the bus route, which some customers worry will cause extra problems.

However, not all residents are unhappy with the move.

Dorothy Field, 92 of Cookridge Lane said: “It’s moving to one door down from me on Cookridge Lane so I don’t have to get the bus. I’m happy it’s moving.”

A spokesperson for the Post Office said said: “Customers should be reassured that they will be receiving a service which will be hugely beneficial including longer opening hours, Sunday opening and parking available at the location.

“I would also like to add that the branch is undergoing a huge renovation for those worrying about the size of the location.”




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