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Bethan Davies: 7 top tips for your journalism placement

By Will Ford and Harry McMullen

Global Radio’s Regional News Editor, Bethan Davies, gives her 7 top tips for making a good impression on a journalism placement:

  1. Take on feedback and act on it – when you get things wrong, ask for advice and get better.

  2. Always do your research – whether you have days or minutes to prepare for an interview, do the legwork.

  3. Write your first and last question for an interview but nothing in between – this will allow you to listen to the interviewee and use initiative to ask questions based on their responses.

  4. Arrive with your own ideas – you learn lots on a placement, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything new to offer. You might have a new app that your employer doesn’t know about or an amazing story that only you could find.

  5. Be willing to go above and beyond – “Every person I’ve hired started on a placement. If you want a job you need to impress.” If you realise after a couple of days you don’t like the environment or the job, be professional, the contacts you build up could be invaluable.

  6. Know your media law – your employer will be culpable if you don’t know your stuff.

  7. Be confident – “Fake it until you make it” – you may not know what you’re doing when you arrive, but confidence goes a long way. If you act like a journalist, you will be perceived as such and be far more likely to land a job as a result.

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