By Olivia Dobson
SAFETY WARNINGS have been issued as Yorkshire gears up to host dozens of spectacular fireworks displays across the region this weekend.
The North Yorkshire Fire Service is urging people to go along to an organised event, where the fireworks are handled by professionals.
A spokesperson said: “We want people to enjoy this year’s Bonfire Night celebrations safely. Last year we attended five bonfire or firework related incidents, and this year we would like to make it none.”
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said in a statement: “November 5 marks another sparkling Guy Fawkes Night, and with this historic celebration comes the danger of burn injuries and tragedies.
“According to the latest figures from hospitals in England, firework injuries increased by 47 per cent from 2014 – 15.
Jo Bullock, head of awareness and education for RoSPA, said: “It is particularly worrying to see that the number of children and teenagers being hurt by fireworks has increased. Some of these injuries may have been down to sparklers, while others may have been caused by larger fireworks.
“We would also remind people that it is against the law to carry fireworks in public if you are under 18, and to sell fireworks to anyone who is under 18.”
Chief superintendent Dickie Whitehead, of West Yorkshire Police, added: “The period around bonfire night can see an increase in incidents of anti-social behaviour, particularly through the misuse of fire.”
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s advice can be viewed on their website and bonfire night safety messages will be tweeted out using the #WYBonfire hashtag.
West Yorkshire Fire Service dealt with 266 incidents – 102 of which were bonfire related and there were 23 incidents in the Leeds area.
Stockeld Park at Wetherby will be holding a firework display on Sunday, November 5. The prices to see the show are £6 per person or for a family of four it is £22.
Jayne Walkinshaw, graphic designer at Stockeld Park said: “The firework display was a big success last year and was a popular event. There will also be entertainers.”
Lightwater Valley near Ripon will be holding a firework display on Saturday, November 4. The display will start at 5.15pm.
Gary Warhurst, sales manager, at Lightwater Valley said: “It is the first time they have had the firework display not in half term this year.
“In previous years they had the display at the beginning of the half term. There were 1,800 people that attended the firework display last year as it was over the Saturday and Sunday night.
“We are hoping for over 2,000 people this year to attend our firework display, however the weather is going to be a factor.”
More firework displays can be found on the Welcome to Yorkshire website.