By Georgi Cox
DOCTORS have said that this year’s winter flu virus could be “one of the worst of the decade” after Australia’s recent epidemic.
Over 170,000 cases were confirmed by Australian doctors, which is more than double the figure from 2016.
Doctors in the UK are now urging patients to get themselves vaccinated against the influenza virus soon.
Marcia Perry, director of nursing at Leeds Community Healthcare Trust, said: “The flu jab is protecting the population and protecting our patients.”
Better Care Together has tweeted about the winter flu stating: “Don’t believe the myths. Flu season is a risk to everyone. One vaccine does NOT protect you for life! Flu vaccine will NOT give you flu! Extra vitamin C will NOT protect you!”
The NHS website gives advice to the public, also stating that just because you have had the flu vaccine, you are not protected for life.
Richard Pebody of Public Health England said: “Children aged two to eight, health care workers, and those over 65 should take the vaccine.”
The NHS website has compared the differences between cold and flu symptoms stating that cold symptoms come on gradually whereas flu symptoms come on suddenly.
Also, with a cold, you are more likely to be able to carry on with your daily activities whereas with flu you are usually too unwell to be able to continue with your usual tasks.
Rachel Walker, 45, who is currently suffering from the winter flu virus said: “I woke up on Friday morning with the worst headache and sore throat but I went to work anyway.
“I felt worse as the day went on so I ended up going home and was sick for three days straight.
“I’m a full-time mum so I’ve come to see the GP because I can’t be bedridden for much longer.”
Susan Kyle, 63, has also been suffering from flu this week. She said: “I’ve not had the flu since I was in my twenties.
“It’s a lot worse than I remember it being when I was younger.
“I came in to see if I could get the jab, as I’m of a certain age I thought I would be able to get it for free now.”