by Mike Berriman
From electric storms lighting up the sky over the Danube to insects covered in tiny drops of dew, the work of a Leeds photographer will go on display at the White Cloth Gallery this week.
Oliver Wright is a photographer who captures scenes from around the world but specialises in wildlife shots and ‘macro’ work – close-ups of tiny subjects.

Oliver said: “The exhibition is of all my photographic work from the last three or four years.
“It’s a complete mixture, from the landscapes of Leeds and Yorkshire, to a snake eating a frog in Costa Rica, to auroras in the Arctic.
“I haven’t been into photography for that long. I got into it through climbing and mountaineering, then I damaged my ankle – and photography took over.”
The exhibition will be held at the White Cloth Gallery on Aire Street in Leeds. The official opening night will be on Thursday July 30, from 7-9. It will run until October 5.
Mr Wright’s website can be found at: http://www.oliverwrightphotography.com/