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UPDATED VIDEO :Baby girl and puppy rescued from Gipton house blaze

Oak Tree Walk, Gipton

Oak Tree Walk, Gipton

A family, including an 11 month old baby, escaped a house blaze yesterday after a chip pan caught fire while they slept.

Dad David Parker, 56, was knocked out by the smoke as he dozed in the living room after cooking fish and chips in the kitchen at around 1am.

Daughter Emma Parker, 18, was upstairs asleep when she woke to crackling and smashing sounds downstairs, and saw smoke rising into her room. Miss Parker, of Oak Tree Walk, screamed for her father and sister Rebecca, who had baby daughter Ava in the room with her.

Miss Parker said: “I was really worried about my Dad. He didn’t wake up until I went into the room and screamed at him, he must have been knocked out by the fumes. Because my Mum has died, if anything had happened to him, we’d be on our own.”

All four family members and Staffordshire Bull terrier puppy Roxy made it out of the house while the kitchen appliances began to melt and explode. The family were taken to Leeds General Infirmary by ambulance and treated for smoke inhilation. They were released later on Sunday.

Miss Parker told Yorkshire Voice: “I’m just glad everyone is okay. You can replace materials but you can’t replace family.”


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