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VIDEO: French culture on the rise in Leeds

The food and drink of France in Leeds

By Caroline Grandjean

The population of French people in Leeds is growing year on year, with an estimated 30-35,000 settlers currently in the city.

The French consulate advises that this number is likely to rise over the next few years.

Two young Frenchmen who recently moved to Leeds have launched their own business in the White Rose Centre.

Matthieu Geronton, 28, and Jeremy Paulet, 29, studied together at ESC Clermont, a business school in Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Jeremy Paulet making crepes in the White Rose Centre
Jeremy Paulet making crepes in the White Rose Centre

Their business, Crepe Boutique, is a kiosk selling traditional French snacks and delicacies.

Another example of an enterprising French émigré is Niswan Biskit, who created a group called Meet The Frenchies.

She organises gatherings in different locations across the city and encourages everyone, not just French people, to get involved.

At these events French people can meet and find a home from home, whilst promoting and celebrating French culture in Yorkshire.

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