by Gayathri Kanagasundaram

Supermarket giant Asda has announced 200 job losses, which will affect offices nationwide, including Asda House in Leeds.
Asda House, based in Great Wilson Street, Leeds, said it had difficulty competing with other chain stores in 2013.
A spokesman said: “Over 18 months ago, we reviewed our business after recognising a structural change taking place in the retail market. This led us to set a new strategy in 2013 which will see Asda redefine value retailing in the UK.”
The company also announced that they have alerted the staff “for some time about their need for change.”
The spokesman said: “In the spirit of openness, we’ve let our colleagues know that we will be having some more detailed discussions with them this week about a new structure. As you’d expect, we’ll have conversations about the details with all our colleagues first.”